Georgia Project

Presentation of main points for the Wind Park in Georgia

AIR-SUN Georgia Project
AIR-SUN Georgia Project

The size of the Park is scoped for a total of 1.200 MW of wind power generation .

Park owner is AIR – SUN Georgia a private consortium that has contracted AIR – SUN to develop the park.

The company is seeking a loan of Euros in order to complete the project and will mortgage the park to the lender until such time all monies are paid back with interest.

Project  Assessment. . .


From the preliminary studies, it is evident that this park, with its High Wind yield and its ideal location for easy and quick construction, is an ideal investment opportunity, with an excellent payback period, rivalling the best wind on shore wind parks in the market.

In this financial analysis there is an option to expand to a total of  50 MW  with the same revenue yield, an average IRR of exceeding  22 %, with one of the highest feed in tariffs in the world, and with the 20 year guarantee revenue streams. This is by far one of the best opportunities for capital loan or investment, or a combination of both.


Air-Sun Ksovo Project
Air-Sun Georgia Project
Air-Sun Ksovo Project
Air-Sun Georgia Project
Wind Turbine make Air-Sun SA
Wind Turbine model Air-Turbo-50
Number of Wind turbines 24.000
Total Nominal Power 1.200 MWp
Hub Height 3 metres
Mean Wind Speed at Hub height 10.0 m/s
Total Energy produced /year 11.160.000  kWh/y
Selling price per MW 600 Euros (0 ,06Euro cents per KWh)
Revenue per year Gross 1.112.662.793 ,00 € Euros
Power purchase agreement 25 years contract



Creative Director + Founder Tw.  —  Fb.  —  Lnkd.




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